How Genetics and Posture Affect Your Abs. 6 pack, 8 pack or 10 pack, pelvic tilt and puffy lower abs

6 years ago


Getting lean enough so you can see your six pack is an accomplishment all by it's self and not easy to achieve. But is building the perfect six pack just a matter of diet? There are a lot of different components that affect how your abdominal's look and some of them you are in control of and some of them you are not.

First we are going to talk about something we are not in control of. one of them being genetics and the tendinous intersections that go across our abdominal muscle. This decides whether we are going to have a 6 pack, a 8 pack 10 pack or the dreaded 4 pack.

Misalignment in our skeletal structure can also affect how our abs look. In most cases this can be improved or eliminated by working with a physiotherapist or chiropractor.

Muscle tightness and Imbalances can also pull our bodies out of alignment. Whether it be in our obliques or we have anterior pelvic tilt which tends to make our lower abs protrude. Making them look puffy and fatter then they really are.

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