Your Gains and The Mind Muscle Connection!

5 years ago


We talk a lot about the mind muscle connection, but do we really need it? After all your mind doesn't lift the weight, you can stare at the weight all day and they won't move until you grab them and lift them with your muscles! But your mind does send the signal to your body telling it what to do. So how focused your mind is on what you are doing will have a direct effect on how efficiently you'll perform that task.

Focusing on the task of weight training means, thinking about form first and foremost then the muscle group we are trying to target. For example with me it isn't unusual for me to feel my traps more in my shoulder press and dumbbell rows than my shoulders and lats. So I need to concentrate more on feeling those muscles work.

Here is the link to an article written by Bret Contreras Where he does a test to see if in fact you can activate one muscle over another in an exercise by simply concentrating on it more.

One of my favorite ways I've used to develop my mind muscle connection is flexing. There is numerous different ways you can do this. Now is your working out at a gym with a bunch of different people around you may not want to break out into a series of different bodybuilding poses. But we can still flex or contract the body part we want to focus on a few times before we start the exercise.

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