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The coup in Niger

1 year ago

The coup in Niger


  • 0/2000
  • How I see it, most of the money is stolen and laundered, and our soldiers are used as gun fodder by the elites, to secure whatever resources are in any particular country that the elites want. For the bushmen, i hear it was the poppy fields in Afghanistan and that’s why the elder was called “poppy”, not as a dear name given to him by his grandchildren. That was their joke. Oh, and his father helped the nazis, along with a bunch of other elites from this country. You can’t make this shit up!!

  • This guy summarized very well why, at the present, we SHOULD NOT encourage our sons & daughters to serve in U.S. military. Our gov't HAS TO GO !!! Then, after reset back to constitutional republic, we can then re-consider if "our country" is worth our blood. The 2nd Ammendment.. it's time.