Shoulders Like Thor! (THE ORIGINAL THOR SHOULDER WORKOUT) 3D Delts and Traps

5 years ago

Shoulders Like Thor! (THE ORIGINAL THOR SHOULDER WORKOUT) 3D Delts and Traps

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Today we are going to do a shoulder workout. This is the second video in my series, “training like Thor”. Each one of these workouts are based on the program celebrity trainer Duffy Gaver had Chris Hemsworth doing when he originally was preparing himself for the roll of Thor. So if you have ever wanted those wide superhero size shoulders then this is the video for you. We are not only going to look at how he trained, but what I’m doing right in this workout and what I need to improve on. So let’s get right into it.

I’ve added in some light dynamic neck stretches into my upper body warm up. Just to help alleviate some of the stiffness I’ve been feeling from the extra time spent training in this program.

The first exercise up is shoulder presses and it starts out with 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps respectively. I have my elbows slightly forward not straight out to my sides this takes a little stress off of my shoulder and is much more comfortable for me. Back when my shoulders were really giving me trouble I would have to do shoulder presses in the neutral position in order for them not to bother me.

The last four sets of shoulder presses I do with a slightly heavier weight and do 5 reps in each set.

Now on this last set that I do watch my arm on the second last rep of my last set I don’t quite control the weight down it may have just been a momentary lack of focus but it is a sure sign I am not yet ready to increase the weight or reps for this exercise.

Now we are into Arnold presses I do 4 sets of 12 reps of this exercise. Arnold presses do work all three heads of the shoulder but they tend to work the anterior delt a little bit more because of having the dumbbells in front of the body at the start of the movement.
Shoulders Like Thor! (THE ORIGINAL THOR SHOULDER WORKOUT) 3D Delts and Traps
I like doing exercises standing whenever possible as the body has to work a little bit harder just to stabilize itself. It is a lot easier to have perfect form on this exercise if you do it seated with your back supported. You will see as I get into my last reps of my last sets that I start to lean back and begin to use more of my upper chest to move the dumbbells. This is a form flaw and I need to correct it before I ever consider increasing the weight..

You can see more than just my shoulders are working, my traps are working too when we do these presses.

So here is where I’m starting to lean back an using more of my upper chest as my delts tire out.

Now we are onto upright rows I do 4 sets of 12 on this exercise as well. There are a few key things on upright rows to watch for one is to keep your dumbbells just out side of you body and don’t let your elbows raise up higher than your shoulders.

We are going to stop for a brief posing break then back to our regular scheduled programming.
Back double biceps

The other thing that you don’t hear about to often is that your forearm should rise up as your elbow lifts up and be parallel to the floor when you reach the top position. This helps keep your shoulder in a more natural movement pattern.

I like up right rows because they do such a great job of hitting both the lateral head of the shoulders and the traps. But if you wanted you could do shrugs here as that is what the original program calls for.

So now we are onto the the triset we talked about in the training split we designed last week. It starts with lateral raises then goes to front raises and finishes off with reverse flys.

This is an exercise you don’t need a lot of weight for and it will really get your shoulders pumped up. We do 3 sets of 15 reps for each exercise totalling 135 reps. The volume of this program really has an old school vibe to it.

Of the three heads of the shoulder the rear delts are probably the most neglected and when they are well developed the give your shoulders that complete shape. Reverse flys really targets the rear delts but another exercise you could add in to this workout is Elbow out rows which is a great upper back exercise and hits the rear delts quite effectively as well.

It doesn’t take to long for lactic acid to build up and the muscles to really start to burn you just have to work through it as it is a bit of a mental test. You can see from the look on my face I am feeling the burn.

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