Over 50? This is how you lose unhealthy belly fat fast!

5 years ago

Over 50? This is how you lose unhealthy belly fat fast!

Today we are going to be focusing on a study that looked at people over 50 and it compared different types and blends of exercises and how they impacted the reduction of visceral fat mass. This is the potentially dangerous fat found around our belly. That lies in between our abdominal wall and our organs.

We are going to look at this study. To see how you can lose visceral belly fat the fastest way possible. Even over 50

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Over 50? This is how you lose unhealthy belly fat fast!
I suffered from belly fat at 30 as you can see by this picture of me holding my son and I say suffered because Abdominal obesity is a primary factor in the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome along with insulin resistance, hypertension, high triglycerides and low HDL Cholesterol.

It was a year long study with 78 people and while they called them seniors some of them were a few years younger than me at 50 and the rest of the group ranged between that and 70. They all suffered from metabolic syndrome and were moderately obese.

Now a lot of these studies are done strictly on waist measurement, where as with this study they did both waist measurements and a DEXA scan. With the DEXA scan they were able to really see what was visceral fat loss and what was subcutaneous fat. Which is the less harmful fat between your skin and muscle.

One of the things they did well in this study is diet because you can’t really accurately compare different types and intensity of exercise unless everyone is on the same good diet.

The way they accomplished this was to have them all live in residence for the first 3 weeks of the study. Where they had daily classes and workshops on diet and nutrition along with coaching for their fitness training.

Now while the meal plans were personalized, the macros split was the same for everyone with protein being 15 to 20%, fats 30 to 35% and the remaining calories where carbs.

For exercise they broke them into 3 groups a high intensity resistance training along with moderate intensity endurance training group. Another group that did just moderate intensity resistance and endurance training, with the final group doing moderate resistance training and high intensity endurance.

For resistance training all groups did 3 sets of 10 reps for 8 exercises. With the high intensity group lifting 70% of their one rep max and the low intensity group doing 30% 4 times a week. The endurance exercise was done daily again the intensity was 30% for low and 70% for high but this was of their VO2 max.

All 3 groups lost a substantial amount of central body fat. With the high intensity resistance training, moderate endurance group losing the most up until the 3 month mark of the study. The researchers feel they know why this happened and we will go into that in a minute as it has a real world application for us because by this time all of the participants in this study were back in their homes.

In all the groups All of the major markers for metabolic syndrome improved heart rate, triglycerides and blood glucose all lowered. With HDL cholesterol raising up and 25% of participants no longer needing blood pressure medication.

Up until the 3 month mark the high intensity resistance with moderate endurance lost the most visceral fat. after this the moderate resistance with high intensity endurance training group started to lose more. The researchers felt this was because of noncompliance they had a little over 50% non compliance with this group, training about half of what was required. This was still a fair bit as the original program had them training over 2 hrs a day. Stating that they preferred the lower intensity exercise. Even with this by the end of the study the two groups with high intensity training lost close to the same amount of visceral fat.

For us I see parallels. We might know what we need to do but we have a lot better odds of doing if it is something we enjoy. For fastest results high intensity weight training with moderate endurance exercise is the way to go to lose the most visceral belly fat.
If you don’t enjoy high intensity exercise you would be better off cycling it with periods of lower intensity. Or at the very least some form of consistent progressive low intensity exercise as all the groups lost some belly fat and improve their health.

Here is the link to the study I talk about in this video; https://www.academia.edu/19937378/Different_modalities_of_exercise_to_reduce_visceral_fat_mass_and_cardiovascular_risk_in_metabolic_syndrome_the_RESOLVE_randomized_trial

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