Get New muscle growth fast without spending more time in the gym with intra set stretching

5 years ago

Weak body part? Get New muscle growth fast without spending more time in the gym with intra set stretching

Intra set stretching, can it really help you build more muscle? Does it even make sense to do static stretching in between sets? We are told not to do static stretching before our workouts
as it will have a negative effect on our training.
So why would it be any different after our first set?

Today we are going to look at a few different types of stretching to help us get new muscle growth faster Without spending anymore time training. This includes 2 different types of stretches that are done between sets.
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Get New muscle growth fast without spending more time in the gym with intra set stretching

My interest in stretching during a workout really started about a year ago. When a subscriber suggest I make an adjustment in the way I do my bent over rows. And directed me to some video’s of Ed Coan a man many consider to be the greatest powerlifter of all time.

The instruction I was given was that I need to lower my shoulder more when I lowered the weight until I felt a stretch in my lats. As soon as I did this the mind muscle connection really turned on, that stretch helped me feel the muscle. It wasn’t long before I started to use this in all my exercises making sure I felt the stretch in the bottom position of my pull ups, chin ups, dips and bench press. But this isn’t a hold. You go down until you feel the stretch then go back up.

I know a lot of you have seen this picture of my back progress and I credit much of the improvements I have made, on this adjustment in my training.

I when I was doing research on a celebrity trainer I discovered he was a fan of stretching between sets and there are a lot of high level trainers that promote this concept. So I wanted to explore it because it didn’t makes sense to me.

I found two different studies. The first one was published in The “Journal of Human Sciences” in this one they experienced lifters do sets of leg extensions and Tricep pushdowns. They rested for a total of 3 minutes between sets. With the stretching group, stretching the working muscle for 30 seconds at a time totaling 2 minutes of stretching between sets.

When they compared the stretching group to to the non stretching group they found a reduction in strength, with a 14 to 17% greater drop in strength from the first to second set on the leg extensions and about a 18 to 25% drop in the Tricep pushdowns.

This seems to support traditional concerns with stretching, but it is only one workout. And building muscle isn’t about one workout. It is about consistently tearing the muscle down then allowing it to recover and build it self back up stronger than before. Could it be that this intra set stretching is part of the process of tearing the muscle down. So the real question is overtime does intra set stretching hurt our strength and hypertrophy or is it really a gateway to greater gains over the long term!

Fortunately we have an 8 week study we can look at involving inexperienced lifters. They tested their 1 rep max before and after the 8 weeks. In both the bench press and knee extension. As well as recording muscle thickness in the chest, latissimus dorsi, biceps, triceps, Quadriceps, and hamstrings.

They were split into 2 groups and performed 4 sets with 8 to 12 reps of 6 different exercises making for a full body workout twice a week. Both groups took 90 seconds rest between sets. With the intra set stretching group doing one 30 second stretch between sets.

The result? After eight weeks The group that did the intra set stretching built more muscle in in every muscle group tested. Without sacrificing overall strength. Only one muscle group grew significantly larger and that was the latimisus dorsi.

Static stretching isn’t the only way to stretch the muscle in between sets. There is also weighted stretching.

Weighted stretching this is something I am going to try in my next training program near the end of my arm workout on my biceps. The theory is based on a unpublished study on muscle growth in calves showing some very promising results. The way you do it is you chose a weight that you can do for 12 plus reps and on an exercise that you can get a good stretch on in the bottom of the movement. In my case I’m going to do incline dumbbell curls.

Journal of human sciences 2 minute total stretching between sets
8 week study on intra set stretching
Effects of different lengths of stretching on performance

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