Aven Colony | An Upcoming Space City Building Simulator - Vanaar! | Part 1 | Gameplay Let's Play

8 months ago

010916 Like and subscribe. This is an archive, check the link in the end if you are owner. Today in this let's play we're taking a first look at Aven Colony, a brand new game that is coming out to open beta on September 7, 2016. Aven Colony is a space city building simulator very reminiscent to Simcity Skylines or Anno 2205 in some ways, but has quite a bit of it's own flair. In this episode, we're on the very first area of Aven Prime, a place called Vanaar and we're tasked with learning the basics of expanding the colony and keeping everyone alive despite a deadly atmosphere.

The game itself looks beautiful and plays very smoothly, especially considering we're playing in a closed beta. There's quite a bit of voice over as well as 5 missions, a sandbox, and some tutorials right now.

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Rimworld (Alpha 15): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S5ZBa3xxeE&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21c9emNJQLMujllrr0_B_GSe

No Man's Sky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x20rOR42xAc&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21dskKCcNEjrl0-FSh2lMCq0

Tyto Ecology: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw8xXEJ0p21cuz4PifqIJ8_U82G0VdNz5

Top 5 Lists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy4nMDFSmUg&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fiNdNl_GClb4jBhLNY83O8

Downfall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbHjFd8vdM8&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21coH6OejKaI0aKda1wFOZMf

Villagers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fGPyMFSf9jFfxEjQw6MQ53

Clash Royale: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw8xXEJ0p21camTrerLDqh-eddhEi1T0a




Build a new home for humanity on a world with a low-oxygen atmosphere, extreme electrical storms, shard storms, dust devils, deadly toxic gas eruptions from some of Aven Prime’s many geothermal vents ,and days so long they have their own seasons.

Explore a variety of biomes, from the lush wetlands environment to the much less habitable desert and arctic biomes.


Encounter a variety of alien life forms, including giant sandworms, deadly plague spores, and a vicious fungal infection know as “The Creep.”


Settling a new world can be stressful. As a new colony governor, you’ll need to work overtime to help your colonists deal with their situation. Experience a full colony simulation with over a dozen morale factors. Set social policies to influence the behavior of your colony, hold referendum elections to prove to your colonists that you deserve to keep the job, and give your colonists adequate jobs, health care, entertainment, food quality, policing, and much more. As you earn the respect of your colonists, you can rise in rank from Colony Governor to Expedition President.


The world of Aven Prime holds many secrets. Play through a full single-player campaign and participate in a story that reveals some of the many secrets of this brave new world.

Alternatively, you can customize any mission in sandbox mode.


Use construction drones to build dozens of types of structures to house your colonists, grow food, store resources, manage air quality, mine ore, convert resources, perform research and manufacturing, and much more. Then, when you’re ready, enhance your existing buildings through several upgrade tiers.


Intro Music by Andru: https://soundcloud.com/andruofficial/loverunsout

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