The Las Vegas Shooter

1 year ago

This Vision is truth! Anything else is a LIE! Remember that in this Vision....the shooter walked out of his room and poof GONE! Like a Ghost!

When you have the true Spirit of God, it will be in DETAIL and precise, not vague and wrong. This is a gift that is given by the Heavenly family. Only God can give you this gift...there is no other way!

This IS HOW God gives prophets & seers their messages to help the people! It is not a power of my own but of God to send me these visions and prophetic dreams. They just sweep over me!

Be warned of this Vision. Those whose wicked feet belong there will stay there in Las Vegas. Those that are of God will be moved out of Las Vegas and kept from the destruction.

"If you will receive this..."

JG ❤️ 😘

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