Effective Muscle Growth Band Workout at Home

3 years ago

Muscle growth band workout at home

If you’re serious about building muscle with resistance bands then this is a great workout for you.

Let's go straight to the first exercise to stimulate muscle growth in our quads. We’re going to start with a resistance band pistol squat. The band in this case makes the exercise easier and provides stability throughout the movement but has just enough give that you can’t use it to pull yourself up it will only assist.

The legs have to do the work. As you progress switch to a lighter band to provide less assistance.

For this workout, we do 2 sets with the reps being in the 10 to 15 range. Allow one-minute rest in between each leg.

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Now if you find you are having trouble with this exercise then I would just do a traditional band squat.

The next exercise up is the band leg press it feels different than a typical leg press because your feet aren’t pushing against a fixed platform. This causes more muscles to be involved to help stabilize as you push with your feet.

The angle that you have your legs to the floor will be dependant on two things your level of mobility as you want to keep your low back flat to the floor not rounded with your hips lifted up.

The second thing is the lower you have your legs the more tension you put on the band increasing the level of difficulty. I feel this exercise in the outer quad and glutes.

The gluteus maximus is the biggest muscle on the human body so it makes sense we target it directly. To do this we are going to use kneeling hip thrusts. This exercise works the glutes in hip extension much better than squats do giving us complete development.

We are going to hit our back next with high to low rows. I do this one kneeling with one foot in front to brace against the pull of the band. I let my shoulders go forward until I feel a bit of a stretch in my lats then I pull my shoulders back and down as I rotate my elbows in a semicircle motion.

So far all exercises have been done as 2 sets with 10 to 15 repetitions and the next exercise is no exception. It's a side band lat pulldown. I call it a side pull down but actually, the anchor point is slightly in front of the shoulder as it is better for body mechanics. I do this one on my knees keeping them fairly wide apart for stability.

To feel this in your lats focus on bringing your elbow down and just to the back of you. Don't think of pulling the weight with your hand. Squeeze and hold for a second in the contracted position. Just alternate from one side to the other for two sets then take a minute rest and move onto the next exercise.

Which is a cross body low to high press. I started doing these the last time my shoulder was bugging me. I found I could do them without any discomfort. These give me a crazy chest pump and mainly hit the middle to lower chest.

Alternate your sets from one side to the other without stopping until you have done 3 sets on each side.

For the upper chest, we switch the direction of the bands and go with a low to high band fly. This is an isolation movement and another one where I like to pause in the top position and feel the upper chest contracting. Do this for 3 sets

Next is a superset for lateral delts and upper back. We will alternate between a leaning lateral raise and band Ys. You don't need to use a heavy band for these. For the leaning lateral raises, I hold the band in both hands and run it under my foot, then hold the door frame and lean away from it. If you have a light enough band you can just double it up around your foot.

The band Ys mainly target your lower traps and rotator cuff muscles.

Attach the band to something down low.

Start with your hands low and together then raise your arms upward and outward making a Y in the top position. Just 2 sets of this superset.

Next up is arms and again we are going to do a superset starting with the squatting bicep curl this exercise isolates the bicep much like a preacher curl with the emphasis on the short head.

I like the continuous tension that bands provide when doing tricep kickbacks. I’ve attached the bands to the top of the door this time.

Superset these two exercises with 30 seconds to a minute in between each one.

For abs, we are doing bicycle crunches.

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