The Tribulation Explained: God Will Recompense Tribulation on Them That Trouble You!

1 year ago

The premise of the tribulation that needs to be explained. I'm Not speaking of time lines or duration of the tribulation period, but the substance of the tribulation period. Paul outlined the tribulation as a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation on them that trouble the church in 2 Thessalonians 1. Now many people would dare to straw man Paul's premise as works salvation as if tribulation & persecution is some new invention & the church would be exempt from such things. However, the truth is these things have always been & Paul tied the persecution & tribulation of the Thessalonian church to the 2nd coming when the church would rest from the tribulation. Tribulation in the last days is God response to the tribulation & persecution of the church, whom endures with patience & faith.

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