Lose Belly Fat Fast With This Workout And Diet Plan (Macros Included)

3 years ago

Lose belly fat fast with this workout and diet plan (macros included)

This is going to be a bit of a challenge. I’m basing this workout and diet plan on a study I reviewed 2 years ago. I got a request in the comments for more detail. I will fill in the gaps to provide the most complete program I can in a 5-minute video.

For a year, they tested 3 different blends of resistance and endurance exercise to see which combination would result in the most fat loss. One of these had more visceral belly fat loss than the others.

The people in this group did high-intensity resistance training and moderate-intensity endurance exercise.

We’ll start with what we know about the weight training program. They did 8 exercises for 3 sets of 10 repetitions at 70% of their one-rep max. 4 times a week. Each workout was 90 minutes long.

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They don’t tell us precisely what the 8 exercises were, and over the course of the year, they could’ve changed, but they tested for one rep max on the bench press, leg extension and bicep curl, so it’d make sense those were in the program.

For our main exercises, we’ll focus on compound movements as these are the biggest muscle builders and take the most energy to perform.

Starting with front squats, then moving to one arm dumbbell rows, bench press, Romanian deadlifts and shoulder press, these will round out the compound exercises.

For isolation work, we will do lying tricep extensions and bicep curls, finishing off with the ab exercise of your choice. Mine would be dead bugs.

I’m going to propose another workout that you can alternate with this one in a minute but first, let’s go over how to progress this.

To find 70 percent of your one-rep max, use a weight where you hit technical failure at 12 reps. This is equivalent to 70%, then do 10 reps of this weight on each set.

After a month, retest, and if you can do more than 12 reps, it’s time to increase the weight. Staying two repetitions short of failure has you in the effective rep range for building muscle without having to push to failure every workout.

The fourth workout was a bit tricky for me because I don’t like the thought of doing two full-body workouts back to back. It can be done, but I would rather leave a day in between for recovery.

If we did this and resistance-trained every other day, then one week we would have 3 workouts, and the next we would have 4.

Let’s leave it at that, weight training every other day, but you don’t have to do the same exercises every time. You could alternate between an “a” and “b” workout.

The “b” workout could look something like this. Suitcase or back squat, then leg curls, lat pulldown, incline bench press, and incline elbow out rows for our compound movements.

With tricep pushdowns, concentration curls, and hollow body holds.

For cardio, they keep it easy, doing either cycling, walking or aquagym. With the length of workouts again being 90 minutes but every day, so on weight training days, they would be doing a total of 3 hours of exercise.

That’s a lot for most people, and it isn’t easy to find that much time in a day. So I would recommend doing cardio on nonresistance training days 3 or 4 times a week.

Do a form of cardio you enjoy at a heart rate of between 50 to 60 percent of your maximum. Which is a very easy pace, and you should never feel out of breath.

For nutrition, they tracked all their food for 3 days to determine the average calories consumed. I would recommend that you do this for 7 days because if you're like me, you tend to eat more on the weekends.

Once you know your average daily calories, subtract 500 and this’ll be your new daily total.

The macro split they used in the study was 15 to 20% protein, 30 to 35% fats and the remaining carbs. For building muscle the protein is too low.

I’m going to recommend increasing it by 5% to 20 to 25 percent and reduce the fats to 25 to 30 percent.

You need to eat whole foods that are as minimally processed as possible.

You should have all 3 macronutrients at every meal, including at least 2 fist-sized portions of veggies. These will help your stomach feel full.

Then when you add in a fat source this slows down digestion and a portion of protein which increases satiety, giving you a lower calorie meal that helps you feel full longer.

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