The Fit And 50 Transformation Story (The Untold Truth)

2 years ago

The fit and 50 transformation story

Today I'm going to share my story of how I got into shape and became Fit and 50 starting right back at the beginning, how this young stud turned into an overweight man in his 30’s, eventually striving to become fit at 45. It took 2 years of training to get shredded for the first time.

I’ll Include how I gained the motivation to continue to train right up until now and what is driving me to keep training for the rest of my life.

One of the questions I was asked when I said I was going to do this video, was, if I was athletic as a child? The answer is no. I was an active kid who liked to ride my bike, but I didn’t participate in any team sports

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I came from a small school and did well in cross country running and some track and field events.

I rummaged through some draws in the house and found the ribbons from those events. One of the first things I noticed was no first-place finishes. This is the same as now. When I run, I have a lot of second to fourth-place finishes.

I was your typical skinny teen with no muscle mass to speak of, and this continued into my twenties. I found a couple of fun pictures from my graduation and first wedding. I wore a tux with tails at both events and, of course, a bow tie. My grad may have been the first time I ever wore one.

Fast forward to 30, and we have the picture I usually post of me overweight and holding my son. I did lose weight after this by simply eating less food—no science to it or intelligent training. I just brought one less sandwich to work every day and drew an imaginary circle on my plate for dinner, and ate a portion that fit inside the circle.

I managed to trim down to an acceptable dad bod that I maintained into my 40’s

The truth is my motivation to start training was much deeper than the story that I’ve told in the past.

The story I usually share is when my son was 16. His girlfriend broke up with him a started dating a jock. This made him want a six-pack. I saw this as an opportunity to spend more time together. So we got gym memberships and started to train.

Deeper than this, I felt my life was passing me by. I was divorced and, like many guys, starting over, working to keep a good home for my children to live in. Of course, when you’re divorced, you don’t live in that home.

I shared a basement suite and eventually got a single-bedroom apartment. When the kids came over, they slept in the living room.

But I was missing out on so much. I was getting older, and there were so many things I wanted to see and do.

I needed more time. The only way to accomplish this was to get into the best shape possible and live a longer and healthier life. This was the deeper motivation.

The way I train has changed a lot. It started with a full-body workout a trainer at the gym set up for my son and me. Then, I started doing dumbbell circuits at home, which did a great job of developing my conditioning and was the beginning of my home workouts.

One of the biggest mistakes I made was overdoing it. As I bought more weight, I would strength train 3 or four days a week while bodyweight training on my off days doing progressions working towards front levers and planches. A shoulder injury made me stop, and this is the first year since 2015 my shoulder has been pain-free. Thanks to hanging from a bar for a minute and a half every day.

Early on, my diet was unbalanced lots of protein and veggies and little else. If I overate one day, I would try and make it all up the next day, fasting as long as possible.

Balanced dieting is the best thing I have ever learned. While the focus is on whole food eating, no foods are off the list. If you overeat one day, you don’t have to reduce all those extra calories the next day.

You can spread the reduction out over the next week without any ill effects.

This year's project is to build a natural gym freak physique.

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