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Aloha my friends, it's been a apocalyptic minute since we have come together in truth, new, and intell sharing as I've been on hiatus deep in the cauldron of more localized projects and affairs. I have always been committed to you all in sharing the truth of what is going on in this world and have created the time to be able to do so in the midst of a polymathic spectrum of life purposes and projects underway on top of being a solo father of 4 children in the pre-tribulation intensity. The time has come where all of the paths and purposes are escalating for great events to play out where I'm not certain that I'll literally be able to continue my show 2 hours every Monday to be able to complete God's assignments for me at hand. There is much to share to fill in the details on this show, this is not good bye but I may have to change the time I can do my show to be able to continue. I am squeezing out an hour of my full on day of intensity to cover the local tragedy that many of you have been reaching out about underway on Maui, to share updates, and a little truth intell along the way...and always some epic beats and mixes. Let's catch up.

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