Aila: Chinese women refuse to reproduce under CCP's tyranny

1 year ago

08/17/2023 Aila on Liberty Hour: When we talk about the population problem in Communist China, one has to look at how the CCP treated women in the mainland. A year ago, the local media reported a woman in Feng County, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, who was kidnapped by a women trafficker, chained, and had her teeth pulled out and her tongue got cut off. That’s how the women were kidnapped by the CCP. The younger Chinese generation was even using slogans saying we are the last generation to silently protest against the CCP's tyranny.
08/17/2023 小飞象做客Liberty Hour:当我们谈论中共所面临的人口问题时,必须看看中共是如何对待大陆的女性的。一年前,江苏徐州丰县报道了一个被拐卖的妇女,她被铁链锁住,牙齿被拔掉,舌头也被剪。这就是中共对待女性的方式。中国的年轻人甚至用“我们是最后一代”这样的口号来无声地抗议中共的暴政。

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