Grandma, grandaughter killed by neighbor

1 year ago
10.4K — Kim Marie Fairbanks, 52, and her ten-year-old granddaughter, Aubrianna Lynn "Aubrie" Croteau, died after being shot in Springfield, MA.

The shooter, 34-year-old Victor Nieves, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He appears to have had sub-Saharan African heritage.

The media labeled the tragedy a "murder-suicide".

Two other children, ages five and 12, were also shot but survived. Croteau died days after the incident.

Nieves lived in the same house as the victims but in a separate apartment.

According to, "Police have not found any motive for the killing. Nieves had no history of violent offenses. Initial reports suggest he forced his way into the home just after 2:30 p.m. and opened fire.

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