The Cyclops: Origin of the Polyphemus and Odysseus Myth

2 years ago

What have cyclops, Lord of the Rings, and dwarf elephants have in common? Here I look into the oldest myth of Polyphemus, the most well known cyclops in Greek mythology, and undercover some unusual influences and its origin.

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Abry C., ≪ Omer m’a tuer… ou moi-meme en personne ≫, in : A. Hurst et F. Letoublon [ed.], La Mythologie et l’Odyssee : hommage a Gabriel Germain. Actes du colloque international de Grenoble 20-22 mai 1999, Geneve, Droz, 2002, pp.57-65.
Glenn Justin (1978). ≪The Polyphemus Myth : Its origin and interpretation. ≫ Greece 1 Rome, vol. 25, no 2 : 141-155
Hackman, O. 1904. Die Polyphemsage in der Volksiiberlieferung. Helsinki, pp.3-5
d'Huy, Julien, 2013. Polyphemus (Aa. Th. 1137). A phylogenetic reconstruction of a prehistoric tale. - Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée / New Comparative Mythology, 1: 3-18.

0:00 Introduction
2:19 Story of Polyphemus and Odysseus
8:59 Method, Analysis, and Conclusion

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