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GM "60 Day Money Back Guarantee" on Cars. Bold Move. Vintage Commercial (Lost Media)

1 year ago

Nightly News Broadcast starts out talking about how awesome the stimulus is working. It's working so awesome that General Motors (GM) is giving a 60 day money back gaurantee on their cars. A bold move indeed considering their crap. They would get a huge bailout along with Chrysler at this time.

There is a perception that GM is lower quality that Toyota. Well, there was until GM stopped making most of their models. And you can still find 2009 Toyota's on the road today (whenever you happen to be reading this). Can't say the same for GM products at the time. They were trying to drum up sales after "Cash for Clunkers" ended. Even an Edmunds guy makes an appearance in this video. World News. Recorded September 2009.

ABC News Story from the same time:

Should GM have been bailed out?


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