"Stop Feeding the Dog the Rollover Minutes! He's Going To Get Sick" 2009 AT&T Commercial

1 year ago

Ok, I mean, I hate to agree with a WOMAN, but I think she may actually have a point. I mean seriously Don, what the F? Those look like little compases he's throwing. Upon closer inspection they appear to be loafers (tiny clocks).

Why are you throwing those, Don? The Dog is going to chew that up and either swallow plastic or make a goddamn mess. Don!!?!? Then the dog will have to go to vet and the backyard will look like one of those desert dumps where people leave broken kids toys.

Seriously what's the matter with you Don!?!? You're acting like a freaking psychopath man. His explanation for why he was throwing them was "we don't need them anymore." This explains a lot. Last week Sarah (that's the wife from the commercial) was like "we don't need these dinner plates anymore, my sister dropped off grandma's dishes." ::cut to next scene::

Don is just smashing dinner plates against a tree in the backyard. Some, he even threw like a frisbee at the tree. His explanation..."we don't need them anymore."

There we have it, the ATT commercial with the disturbing subtext. That of the mental breakdown of Don.

November 2009.

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