"How to Boil Water" ❤️ [Sexual Tension and Moroccan Stew] Lost Cooking Show Food Network (1996)

1 year ago

So, ok then. It can't just be me right? But the only thing these two are cooking up is awkward sexual tension between co-workers on TV. This is so awkward to watch that you just can't turn away. It's like when you're stuck in traffic downtown and you see an awkward "couple" walking. They might be on a first date or it might be "it's complicated." But you decide to help them out and just start hollering out the window, "JUST KISS ALREADY!" 💋

Our friends make another appearance with a awkward musical number in this commercial compilation:

This is a show called, "How to Boil Water" from the Food Network (FoodTV). They're still making new episodes somehow. Our friends in this video were Cathy Lowe and Sean Donnellan. Who is apparently a real actor. So congrats on parlaying this amusing cooking show into a hollywood acting career. Plus he had a sweet 90's kid haircut. Am I watching Home Improvement? https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0232671/?ref_=tt_cl_t_1

Here's a couple more episodes by another lost media enthusiast:

You go down these rabbit holes and you never know what you'll find.

*I also just noticed in the thumbnail that the picture in the fridge is like a glamour shot of the hostess. Weird. But I think I'll use that idea and just put up glamour shots of myself around the house. Thanks lost cooking show from 1996! Good idea!

Mr. Microwave Cooking show (you can microwave anything):

It's like that.



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