'Crisis Actor Nailed In Paris! Same Girl From Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston Marathon?' - 2015

10 months ago

Published on Nov 17, 2015

"They say there are at least 6 people in the world who look almost exactly like you and you have a 1% chance of ever meeting one of them. What are the chances these look-a-like girls keep showing up at major events? The resemblance is shocking and quite honestly unbelievable.

Pete Santilli & Deb Jordan bring their unique perspective on world events.

Although sometimes serious this program aims to point out the absolute lunacy in the headlines and remind you that it's okay to laugh.

Tonights Guest: Kurt Haskell

Kurt Haskell the Attorney from Michigan who was on board Northwest Airline 253 with Underwear Bomber - Umar Abdul Mutallab - Was a witness to something we should all take very seriously when listening to the Government - now [Global] - narrative of what went down in Paris this past Friday - Sometimes things aren't what they seem. https://youtu.be/MJSkSMkT2EU

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