The Percentage Of The Globe That Burns Each Year Has Been Declining Since 2001 - UK Column News

10 months ago

The Percentage Of The Globe That Burns Each Year Has Been Declining Since 2001
- Wall Street Journal: Climate Change Hasn't Set the World on Fire
“In 2022, the last year for which there are complete data, the world hit a new record-low of 2.2% burned area. Yet you’ll struggle to find that reported anywhere. Instead, the media acts as if the world is ablaze. In late 2021, the New York Times employed more than 40 staff on a project called “Postcards from a World on Fire,” headed by a photorealistic animation of the world in flames. Its explicit goal was to convince readers of the climate crisis’…”
- Reuters: Cargill chartered ship sets sail to test wind power at sea
- International Maritime Organization: Revised GHG reduction strategy for global shipping adopted

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