Masons and other Secret Societies

1 year ago

Read up on “Albert Pike,” and the rituals associated with the various degrees of Masonry, to learn WHY such satanic societies operate in the shadows. WHY does every small town in America have a Masonic Lodge? Why is membership secret? Do you know who actually runs your town, behind the scenes? Why do these groups often refer to Lucifer as the “light?” IF we actually lived in an evil world, whose leadership had an agenda to enslave all mankind, what would you expect to see? Is Satan going to declare his evil at first, or wait until you’ve tasted the forbidden fruit of stardom (Yes, ALL of Hollywood is controlled by these same, unseen elites), or finally gotten to rub shoulders with the real movers and shakers in any government, before the truth behind the rituals and secrecy is revealed, and knowledge of the evil that stands firmly at the helm of all such, secret organizations/societies. We are NOT at war with any of them, because we understand they serve a purpose In God’s plan. We’re simply here to help those with eyes to see and ears to hear, not to try and stop what God has ordained, or prevent those destined for burning in the eternal lake of fire, in carrying out their role in this soap opera that’s spanned thousands of years.

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