Futura-ing: creating with the imagination NEW EARTH HOSPITALS

1 year ago

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Future-ing: creating with the imagination

00.40 Hospitals in our future, what will they look, fee and function like? Clearing to get ready to hop on over into my “Soul ROom”- a space in my psyche, where I can create anything.
A “mobile akashic records.”
3.22 Setting up the process, gathering g in my full self
3.45 My childhood experiences in hospital - explaining some of the stranger aspects of hospitals.
5.10 The good the bad and the ugly of hospitals
6.00 Zarmina Hanin’s analogy of a Hospital as a Human Body, Hamburg, Germany
8.00 The diatribe of context
9.21 Imagining I am in a HOSPITAL of FUTURE EARTH. I love it instantly, describing the quality of light as PART of the healing atmosphere.
11.30 The temperature is comfortable- not too air-conditoned cold or too warm….the building is set into hillside with heat sinks and air pumps, for natural air-flow and ventilation making the atmosphere oxygen-rich.
12.20 I see children wearing colours clothing.
12.40 IN the corridors, there are activity-frames to stimulate your movement and recovery - on one side of the corridor, which is lightly curved. Outside-inside relationship with windows and the ventilation.
13.30 Comparison to the ‘Earth-ship” houses in Arizona
16.09 I talk to some of the children in the hospital- a little boy, called Tommy talks my hand to show me around.
16.44 I ask to peek into some of the rooms as we walk: we look in an elderly woman’s room, Tommy calls her, “A little grandma”. Her room can enable her to look out through a transparent/opaque wall, towards the day room of the visiting children. benefitting her wellbeing.
The walls can be used as huge projection screens of nature or art, but also made clear so that they appear as clear glass - one way or two way functioning.
19.00 I describe the room for the children beyond, with a branch of a real tree in the room, let in form the outside, the bunk beds built into the walls like a treehouse. A place to rest and play for any visiting children, including quiet zones where children can look out onto the busier arena.
I describe how this branch can be introduced and kept alive and flourishing.
23.44 I look at the children and who they are. They say they play in this space before they get even by the doctors and the nurses. These children are aged 3-11. There are adults present but they don’t interfere, just monitoring and occasionally taking notes.
26.00 We go to, “the place they eat”. We get there via a moving floorway- where you can see the mechanism.
27.11 The dining space is inside/outside, with a massive aviary adjacent…a two storey area where patients in beds can be wheeled up to look out over the dining space and enjoy people and company. Immensyl vital looking fresh foods of all kinds, with selective access based upon lilt sensors each patient has. The area looks out over a beautiful hill landscape, the view is encouraged and promoted for well-being.
31.20 I ask Tommy where we go next: outside along the front terrace, into the treatment rooms.
32.12 The Hydrotherapy room: mineral salt baths, hydrotherapy pool, salt baths, small areas of different types and temperatures of water, and these can all be combined into larger ones and altered. …. large shelving filled with huge pieces of different crystals and metals for vibrational healing. Huge glass windows with trees inside-outside. Treatment rooms surrounding and ee system in the main zone, working with the memory capacity of water to boost the scalar signal.
37.00 I promise another visit at a future date.

Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address


37365 is the destination tag

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page http://www.inspirition.biz/energising-human-potential.html using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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