Big Update for the Channel!!!!!

10 months ago

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I hope you enjoy the future of the channel!!

The channel will now revolve around a single GAME with one LARGE (2 hrs.) video for the month, with smaller videos (clips) released weekly until the next LARGER video (I hope that makes sense).

I'm doing this for two reasons! I enjoy making videos very much but trying to create three videos a week, with work and learning new editing skills was taking way TOO MUCH TIME!! So with focusing on ONE large video I know I can be more creative and have more time to truly be proud of a video and secondly, in allowing myself more time in-between videos there is a far less likely chance of "burnout".

I sincerely hope to make content that anyone can watch and enjoy---gamer or NOT-----Horror fan-----or not!!! This channel exists to simply make you laugh!!!!

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