The CCP's flooding discharge caused huge losses, but it refused to pay compensation

1 year ago

8/19/2023 A video circulating online shows that the forcible flood discharge by the Gaobeidian Municipal Government in Baoding, Hebei Province, ruined decades of hard efforts by the ordinary Chinese people and resulted in huge losses! However, the CCP government states that Lao Baixing’s losses in the floods are not within the scope of compensation!
#flooddisaster #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/19/2023 据网上流传的视频显示,河北保定高碑店市政府强制泄洪导致老百姓数十年的心血被摧毁,损失惨重!可中共政府却回应说,老百姓因洪灾遭受的损失不属于理赔范围内!
#洪灾 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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