Riderpiece Theater: Kamen Rider Geats Episode 48 Review

1 year ago

Riderpiece Theater proudly presents The Final DGP Part 1. The board has been set, the pieces are moving. Suel has hand picked his new riders to fight in his deadly game only this time not against our riders but each other, last rider standing wins. However if they refuse to fight they die and our heroes are back against the corner. Game masters have appeared to be Suel's eyes and ears except for one and ultimately that one familiar face helps the fox to break into the halls of creation and meets his final enemy. All the while the other riders are doing their best to execute their plans to saving innocent lives from the rider slaying. However everything will be undone with death and betrayal. Question of the week: What did you think of my theories do u agree or have other theories of how this story will end?

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