The Emasculation Of Black Men By Hollywood

1 year ago

Hey! We've got some Truth Burgers for ya! Want some?!

The last few years Hollywood has prided itself on pretending to be advocates for diversity and representation. However, if you look past the phony facade you'll find that their attempts at accurate representation are insincere. Just take a look at how many black men are portrayed on the big and small screen. How many times have we seen the stereotypical role of the goofy sidekick character? Whatever happened to black masculinity? Characters like Blade, Apollo Creed, or Jules Winnfield? This video will explore how Hollywood promotes false diversity & representation via stereotypes. And how past movies and shows, while they didn't always do it better, managed to create more intriguing black male characters than the many stereotypes we see today. So grab yourself a Truth Burger and come join us!

#filmanalysis #filmreviews #movies #truthburgers #masculinity #entertainment #hollywood

Previous video: (Hollywood's Deconstruction of Masculinity)


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