🔞 Ger Delaney's Klaus Schwabs Great Reset

1 year ago

🔞 Ger Delaney's Klaus Schwabs Great Reset

This was a Plan Created by a group of Internationalists to reset how all free people live their lives

To create this reset One must first manufacture a problem. Whether its Covid19 or Climate Change

The reaction would be to drive fear amongst the people. This is done with the Internationalist controlled Puppets. whether its mainstream media journalists, all politicians  from all major political parties

Ridicule anyone speaking about the Conspiracy & label them a Conspiracy theorist or far right racist

Finally the solution after enough fear pushed on the people, fear of covid19, fear of manufactured climate change, fear of hackers or whatever other bullshit narrative they push

The final goal is finalise the new world order. Stakeholder Capitalism. Which is basically Communism working together with Capitalism to enslave us in a digital prison and Dictating where we can or cant go, what we can or cant say. Total Dictatorship

The name of this solution is Agenda21

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