1 year ago

Don’t know what to make of this but it’s interesting.

From Wall Street Apes: "If You Don’t Believe The Maui, Lahaina, Hawaii Fires Were Caused By DEWs (Direct Energy Weapons) Already, You Will Now

ANTARCTICA: “Atmospheric Research Observatory I witnessed myself a very powerful green laser shooting out of the top of this facility into the cosmos”

They informed me that all of my information will be recorded for public record and shared with Congress. It is that important. In 2010, I was selected to go down to the South Pole Station in Antarctica for an entire year by Raytheon Polar Services. As an employee of a third party contractor for the National Science Foundation, I functioned in a dual role capacity as a tradesman and a firefighter. My responsibilities required me to be more informed than most of my crew and offered me complete access to the facilities. What I learned from this unique experience needs to be shared with the entire world."

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