Is Pakistan's Military Stronger than its Political Apparatus?| Ep 02 | The Fight for Democracy

1 year ago

Is U.S involved in derailing democracy in Pakistan? Do politicians give away their freedom to the military? What makes the army chief so powerful in Pakistan? The Episode 02 of 'The Fight for Democracy' explores the political and geopolitical reasons behind the strength of Pakistan's military.

TCM presents ‘The Fight for Democracy’, a documentary series exploring the turbulent history of civil-military relations in Pakistan, the electables' phenomenon, and how geopolitics enabled military rule in Pakistan. The aim is to offer insight into possible reforms to enable the fight for democracy in its truest sense.

TCM’s five-year journey has been about telling stories that people want to hear which mainstream media has been neglecting for decades. We want to disrupt the status quo by delivering engaging content which empowers impassioned voices and impacts social change. We are defined by integrity, grit and ingenuity and this is what makes us do what we do.

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