The Strong Empress Energy Vlog

10 months ago

The Strong Empress Energy Vlog title is from the date August 20, 2023, thus we have 35 or #8 the strength card asking us to be both strong and Brave, the Empress is from the schumann amplitude power of #3

The schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us two amplitudes. The first was from the A4 graph with an amplitude power of 11 the Justice card may it be just fair and balanced. The full amplitude power was #3 The Empress card she who is the divine female the one who is full of grace and creativity the Earth Mother she mae in at 8:00 Am UTC, thus strong and brave is the Empress. The quality was at a power of 6.40, thus #10 The Wheel of Fortune a karmic change is coming. The frequency average i8s 7.89 hertz, thus giving us 24 or#6 the Lovers card a harmonious partnership with intuition and much love. We can taike it all in and say the strength card tells the Empress to be strong and brave as she ride out the kamic change of the wheel of fortune on her way to bless the Lover union.

The Starseed Oracle cards are the Called card asking us to bring forward our soul gifts and engage in the training. It is time to step up starseeds. The next card is You got the Love, Hadarian Energies beware of codependency be sure ot set firm boundaries.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
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