A Russian tank withstood a direct hit from an NLAW grenade launcher

9 months ago

"A mechanized assault group was sent on a mission... in the Avdeevsk direction. One of the tanks attached to it was performing a deceptive maneuver, and the second was moving at the head of the column, covering a pair of infantry fighting vehicles. Approaching the enemy positions, the covering tank began fire suppression of the enemy fortification while the paratroopers landed from the BMP in a wooded area. During the ensuing battle, our tank took a direct hit from an NLAW grenade launcher. But the crew maintained its fighting ability and continued maneuvering and firing at the enemy," the officer said.
While covering their comrades and fighting the enemy, the crew of the tank hit an enemy minefield. But even after that, the tank continued to fire at the enemy as far as the machine's capabilities allowed.
"The crew of the tank, commanded by an officer with the call sign "Belorus", fully accomplished the combat task assigned to it. The soldiers left the vehicle only when it was already completely immobilized and, most importantly, when the column they were covering had completely left the enemy's fire zone. In this battle, our tankers showed a high level of professionalism and true fighting spirit," the officer emphasized.

At the end of the battle, the artillery launched a massive strike on the Ukrainian positions from which the Russian tank was hit. Correction and objective control of the battle was carried out from a reconnaissance drone.

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