Trudeau Doesn't Care About the Human Cost of Electric Vehicles (EV) | Stand on Guard Clip

1 year ago

Trudeau is interfering in EVERY aspect of our lives now. This Stand on Guard video clip demonstrates the technology, resources, and infrastructure are not there for large scale electric vehicle production. The EVs are completely unaffordable and pilling up both in China where they are being produced in large quantities and in Canada car lots. So why are politicians shutting down the oil & gas industry with regulations, making gas unaffordable through carbon taxes that we need to drive in our large country and to heat our homes in winter, and threatening to ban the combustion engine. All so we have no choices for transportation and to heat our homes when EVs do not pan out. The Trudeau Government is forcing an ideology that is unworkable and they do NOT give a damn of the human cost. In this case, it is dangerous because it is very similar to China’s Mao cultural revolution, forcing ideology on people when it is unworkable.

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