Starcraft - Enslavers Campaign 4B

10 months ago

Difficulty: Very Difficult

Intro: Now the showdown to finally take the fight to Alan Schaezar himself. Armed with a protoss platoon, a sizeable terran regiment, and the heroes Tom Kazanksy, Magellan, Mojo, Warbringer, and Danimoth, you can finally bring an end to Alan Schaezar himself and his pet zerg. However, Magellan detected a very powerful ultralisk called the ‘torrasque’ which will need to be killed first. The torrasque reincarnates every 30 seconds unless you kill the cerebrate that reincarnates it first. You’ll need to destroy the cerebrate before you can assault Alan Scheazer’s Base.

Strategy: you start the map with both protoss and Terran forces. You’ll need to immediately tech to siege tanks in order to repel the Torrasque imminent assault because the torrasque has a tremendous amount of health and armor. You begin the map with 5 powerful heroes that are expendable so make sure to use their abilities well. You need to prioritirize destroying the cerebrate before anything else otherwise you’ll simply get overwhelmed by the Torrasque. Begin by teching to shuttles, siege tanks, Reavers. Once you have 60-70 supply, you’ll immediately need to move NorthWest and blow up enemy spore and sunken colonies. The cerebrates is in the north portion of the map surrounded by a heavily fortified orange. Even with Danimoth’s cloaking ability, the enemy will use ensnare to reveal your position so be warned. You’ll need to turtle in front of orange base with bunkers if you can until you wipe out orange’s defenses and then slowly move forward. You’ll also need to kill the Torrasque 3 or 4 times before you can reach the cerebrate. After you destroy the cerebrate, breathe a sigh of relief because now the hard part is done! Now you can go ahead and make expansions and build up to 150 supply with mixed protoss and terran units. Now, go ahead and systemically destroy each zerg base and then you can move to assault Schaezar’s heavily defended compound. His base is crawling with siege tanks so I would recommend to go full air. You’ll need to build antiair units like scouts, wraiths to take out their fleet of battlecruisers. Tip, hallucinations can help distract from enemy yamato canons.

Unit Composition: Initially, siege tanks, reavers to counter Torrasqe. After Torrasque is stopped, pump full air with siege tanks support to take out the remaining enemy forces.

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