Dark Age started with Israel and Jesus was the First Anointed Christ and Nanak was His Second Coming

9 months ago

Dark Age started with Israel and Jesus was the First Anointed Christ and Nanak was His Second Coming
ONLY FOOLS WILL BELIEVE IN ME whilst the Wise learn from the "Innerman" Christ = Satguru through "Intuition" Only. No man can give you the Gospel Truth.
I am a retired University Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy and I have learnt the subject of religion from my late father who too was a retired School Science master with a keen interest in religion. During the partition of India, we were in Pakistan Punjab and 2000 Mohammedan Arian came to attack our village. Fortunately, the head of the attacking party was a friend of my uncle and he sent a messenger to bring him over. My father accompanied him and he explained to him the mischief that Sikhs and Muslims are spiritual selves that are never born or die but we tribal people will fight and kill each other. The headman told my father that we are friends and so he told 2000 that we are their guests to be looked after, which they did. He also urged my father that let us go to Lahore to stop this Partition but my father told him it is too late. Such is the Power of the Gospel Truth that it brings peace in Agape but many people were turned into religious fanatics who hated the Gospel Truth and suffered heavily. What I want to convey is that the Gospel Truth called Logo = His Word is learnt through logical reasoning and it brings peace but very few people think so and go by what the others say and follow them like the blind and suffer. Thus, every video that I add to my Youtube Channel One God One Faith is based upon logical thinking in which you need to be impartial like a little child otherwise a biased person is a troublemaker.
Now, I equated St. Paul to Moses but the Temple Priests hated St. Paul for exposing their malpractices or corruptions in the Old Testament such as the misuse of circumcision for Mammon. The circumcision is the covenant of Abraham to Isaac only and not to the Gentiles or the people of Ishmael, the elder son of Abraham. Or this covenant of the flesh called the Tribal Mark is specific to the generation of Isaac of the Semitic race and it cannot be given to men other than those born of the "seed" of Isaac, the Elite Chosen People but the Temple Priests were circumcising the Gentiles to make them equal to the real Chosen People for the sake of money. So, Prophet Elijah (My god is demiurge Potter Yahweh) John, the Baptist baptised the Jewish men of age say over 25 years old when they realised that by becoming a Jew of the physical body, outwardly, you break your covenant with Abraham who was of the Semitic race, outwardly. Such people of the holy spirit = common sense called Surti in Punjabi went to John, the Baptist for the baptism of repentance and he baptised them in the name of "Abraham", a Noble Man that Yahweh picked up from the Iraq area and gave him the Promised Land as the Garden of Eden. Thus, Abraham was Adam and Sarah was Eve living in the company of the creator and Lord of the Nature demiurge Yahweh called Brahma in Punjabi and Khuda in Arabic. So far, the people of Isaac remained faithful to Abraham and Yahweh, they enjoyed the best fruit of the earth and they were called people of "Salt of Abraham" who would speak the truth, the rock over which the House of the Gospel Truth, the "Logo", is built that can stand all sorts of attacks and criticism.
Now, Jacob had 12 sons and 11 of them were telling lies to their father Jacob whilst Joseph, the youngest of all was speaking the truth to Father Jacob and he liked him more than the other 11 liars. So, the 11 wanted to kill Joseph as he was exposing them but sold him as a slave to the generation of the faithful elder son of Abraham Ishmael. Now, Joseph had all the blessings of Jacob, Isaac, Abraham and Yahweh. So, he was blessed with the spirituality and wisdom, that the people of Ishmael appreciated and handed him over the management of the country. When Yahweh found out that the people of the Promised Land are unfaithful to Abraham, he stopped the rain and the land became barren forcing them to leave their Garden of Eden destroyed by the unfaithful "Saltless" sons of Jacob, the Prodigal sons of Jacob. Jesus described all this in the Parable of the Prodigal Son and in John 8v44, Jesus described their nature, as liars and murderers.
Thus, the Samaritans, the generation of Joseph represented the faithful sons of Abraham and his nature who had the spirituality as reflected in the Samaritan Woman of well, St. Photina who had overpowered all the five

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