Adama - Telos II - Chapter 13

1 year ago

In the chapter titled "Dragons" from Book II of Telos, Adama discusses an intriguing topic that may initially appear unrelated. He delves into the existence of dragons and their historical interactions with humanity. In the past, the planet experienced a harmonious coexistence, where various beings, including dragons, shared the world with humans and were respected for their immense power and presence. These dragons, with their large bodies and wings, were an integral part of daily life.

Over time, however, a shift occurred. Dragons were endowed with elemental powers tied to air, water, earth, and fire. While some dragons embodied specific elements, others possessed the ability to inhabit multiple ones. Unfortunately, during a period of declining consciousness, human desires for power led to a misconception that dragon blood held magical properties. This misunderstanding resulted in the killing of dragons for their blood, believed to confer power upon those who possessed it.

Some dragons allied themselves with humans, attempting to survive and ultimately making regrettable choices that did not align with their true nature as Beings of Light. As time passed, these beings recognized their mistakes and transitioned into the realm of Light. Today, most of them work to contribute their immense power toward the evolution of the planet, coexisting with other galactic entities in the skies.

Adama emphasizes the importance of viewing dragons with respect, not as curiosities to be discovered. He urges understanding that dragons stand close to those who have opened their hearts to the Light and act as protectors for many inhabitants of the planet. These dragons, as guardians, possess remarkable abilities to shield against various forms of harm. Developing a connection with a dragon is not a matter of demanding it, but rather a reward earned through personal growth and elevation.

Adama emphasizes that a pure heart and acceptance are key to establishing contact with dragons. Such a connection unfolds organically within each individual's personal journey. Persistence or requests are futile, as timing is crucial, and the experience will manifest for each person at the right moment. While not everyone will have a dragon as a protector, their energies will be felt, aiding in personal elevation and ascension.

For those who manage to elevate their frequency to the Fifth Dimension, seeing dragons naturally becomes possible. These creatures exist in a higher dimension and actively contribute to the planet's population. A time will come when they reveal themselves to humans, along with other elemental entities associated with earth, air, water, and fire. This revelation will lead to a profound understanding of why humans have always believed in these beings, as deep within their hearts, people have a preexisting connection with them.

Adama concludes by stressing the importance of keeping an open heart and embracing the journey of ascension. Belief in the singular path of Love is the foundation for fostering connections with dragons and experiencing their presence. The chapter serves as a reminder of the intertwined relationship between humanity and these mystical beings, offering insight into their significance and the lessons they impart.

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