WHO Pandemic Treaty - May 2022 MP Correspondence (1 of 2)

10 months ago

Location: DARLINGTON, Co. Durham, England.

Thank you to the people who take time to write Letter Templates, they really help to bring Results.
I forget who provided the template for my email, here. It helped no end.

I have written to our current Darlington MP regarding on many occassions now. This video is a reading of my email of May 2022 regarding the "WHO Plandemic Treaty", and Peter Gibson's reply.

The links referred to in my email are:
1) https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_18-en.pdf
2) https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_1Rev1-en.pdf


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Please see my previous "Roo63" uploads also.

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1) "Roo63" on BitChute ... " https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Roo63 ".
2) "Roo63" on YouTube ... " https://www.youtube.com/c/Roo63/videos ". SOME UPLOADS MISSING DUE TO CENSORSHIP.
3) "Worldwide Awakening ("Roo63")" on Odysee ... " https://odysee.com/@Roo63:d ". HOME TO ALL "Roo63" UPLOADS.
4) "Worldwide Awakening" on Facebook ("Public" Group) ... " https://www.facebook.com/groups/629528840562364/ ".
5) "Andy_Roo63" on Telegram ... " https://t.me/Andy_Roo63 ".
6) "Roo63" on Rumble ... " https://rumble.com/c/c-1400532 ".

I don't often get to read comments.

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Thank you.

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