Woman Swimming In The Ocean Near San Diego Gets Attacked By A Shark

7 years ago

What is the scariest animal for you? Spiders, snakes, bears or maybe sharks? All of them are terrifying, but the most frightening for us are sharks! Sharks are one of the most feared carnivores in the sea. We have seen a lot of moves of shark attacks and people get hurt by sharks. But, how often do sharks attack people?

On average, there are 16 shark attacks per year in the United States, with one fatality every two years. Unlucky to say, this woman was attacked by a shark, but she managed to escape, and now she is trying to recover from that unpleasant and scary event.

This is an incredible story of a woman whose destiny was changed on that day. She couldn't even imagine what will happen to her when she decided to take a swim at the ocean. This story splendidly outlines why such a significant number of people out there are afraid to dunk in more than a toe in the sea. Just a month ago an Orange County, California lady by the name of Leeanne Ericson chose to go for a swim in one of the region's most notable surf spots—San Onofre State Beach.

At about 6:30 that night, the swimmer tied on her balances and dove into the cold Pacific. Luckily for her, a nearby surfer saw that something was running astray with Ericson. Fortunately, the surfer managed to get Erica safely on her board, but, by the time they arrived on the shore, the surfer realized that she was attacked by a shark.

A person named Thomas William saw the whole incident saying: “It was definitely to the point her hamstring was gone. If she didn’t receive immediate care, it was life-threatening,” the man recalls.

The rescuers were able to stop the bleeding by tying a surfboard chain around the injury while they hung tight for Ericson to be carried to an adjacent injury unit. Frightening stuff!

Fortunately, Ericson is relied upon to endure her wounds, yet, as indicated by her specialist, she should get different medical procedures and a lot of non-intrusive treatment to recuperate completely.

Even though specialists are as yet attempting to decide the kind of shark that assaulted Ericson, most believe that a Great White is in charge of her wounds. Inside the recent weeks, there have been various sightings of these sharks in the Southern California territory.

Being attacked by a shark must have been a terrifying experience. She was fortunate that her wounds were not fatal and that she will make a recovery.

In the more substantial part of recorded attacks, the shark bites the person, hangs for a couple of moments and after that gives up. It is exceptionally uncommon for a shark to make rehashed assaults and really feed on an injured human individual. The shark is basically confusing a human with something it typically eats. We are glad that Ericson is okay and we wish her a fast recovery!

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