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15 seconds

Live Out Of Romania

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  • 0/2000
  • Fresh and fit should make a video on youtube..........with the black guy, crying that they got demonetized.......and accusing YouTube of white supremacy. Hahahaa that would hilarious. Well EVERYTHING is white supremacy these days and YouTube is one of the companies that REALLY push that narrative. It would be nice to see them get some of their own medicine. 😭😭😭 Youtube did white supremacy on me 😭😭😭 they did the white supremacy 😭😭😭 always oppressing black people 😭😭😭

  • first!

    1 like
  • cancel youtube

    1 like
  • So do the advertising corporations want to push woke garbage even more than YouTube does? 🤔 Or are they just all in it together?

  • we do that family aunts uncles stuff my cousins are my sister's and brothers and the sacrifice I had to make was stay in my town but I'm single not lonely I don't trust these whose and getting my CDL while making my own Carpenter business but doing it grass style no help love y'all.