Son In College Never Calls Home, So Mom Posts Hilarious Video on Facebook, And Its Going Viral.

7 years ago

Life is funny, isn’t it? We go through our first one to two decades of life being totally reliant on our parents or guardians, looking to them for advice, money, food, shelter, love—you name it. They share with us their pearls of wisdom and they encourage us to do our best in every and all endeavours. Isn’t that simply fantastic?

The sad thing is, by the time we reach 18 and go off to college, move out, or take that long anticipated trip abroad, we’ve totally forgotten about all the amazing things that our parents or caretakers have done for us. That’s because we’re finally adults, and we just can’t wait to do things on our own terms, to be free, to meet new people, find partners and in general, just have a ball.

But in the video below, you’ll see a really comical act recorded by a mother whose son has gone off to college. It is four minutes of pure sarcasm and laughter that, any mother or child can relate to.

She puts on a giggle-worthy spectacle whereby she pretends as though her son has completely forgotten her as he has not seen or called her in a long time. One of her lines? “I haven’t heard from you in a while, and I thought maybe you forgot about me.”

Additionally, she adds in all the cool things she did for him throughout the years and the fact that he was literally stuck to her hip as a child! Now suddenly, he’s disappeared! The video is done in such a hilarious fashion that you can’t help but have a laugh or two!

Click on the link below and watch it for yourself! And if you have ever been in the same situation, as a mother or a child, be sure to share this funny video with those affected. It’ll surely bring a smile to their face.

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