Dog and cat buddies lovingly hug each other

7 years ago

Unusual as it may be, there are hundreds of proof videos on the world wide web that cats and dogs can be really great friends! And it isn't all that hard to befriend a cat and a dog. Check out Chaos the dog and Kit the cat have a friendly hug in the garden as they enjoy a sunny day.
It isn't all that hard to befriend a pet dog and cat, but there are a few principles you have to abide to in order to have peaceful life with the two. First and most important is you have to take things slow; keep both animals separated in your home, but let them become aware of the other's presence. Let each one understand that the other is a friend by bringing it's scent on you and letting the other sniff it. Alternate the rooms you keep the pets in and after a while, let them introduce themselves to one another through a gap in the door.
Finally, you can let them play when they are fully relaxed. Too cute!

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