[DON'T MISS OUT!] Prove Your Love For Muhammad(pbhu)

1 year ago

The Goal
To exclusively produce and publish the entire "Story Of Prophet Muhammad (pbhu)" with stunning visuals, broken into small episodes to suit the viewing habits of the busy average Muslim.
As a Ummah we need to learn about Islam,and the Quran and the last and final Messenger of Allah.
Episodes To Be Covered*
Ep 01: The Year of the Elephant
Ep 02: The Genealogy & Birth
Ep 03: The Childhood
Ep 04: The Young Prophet Muhammad(PBHU)
Ep 05: The Marriage To Khadijah
Ep 06: The Rebuilding The Kaabah
Ep 07: The Servant's Love For Muhammad
Ep 08: The Revelation Begins
Ep 09: The Declaration & Opposition to Prophethood
Ep 10: The Torture and Migrations to Abyssinia.
Ep 11: The Boycott.
Ep 12: The Year of Sadness.
Ep 13: The Taif Mission.
Ep 14: The Night Journey (Israa Wal Miraaj)
Ep 15: The Migration (Hijrah).
Ep 16: The Prophet In Madinah.
Ep 17: The Battle of Badr.
Ep 18: The Battle of Uhud.
Ep 19: The Prophetic Family
Ep 20: The Great Slander.
Ep 21: The Battle Of Khandaq/Ahzaab.
Ep 22: The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.
Ep 23: The Battle of Khaybar.
Ep 24: The Letters.
Ep 25: The Battle of Mutah.
Ep 26: The Conquest of Makkah.
Ep 27: The Battle of Taabuk.
Ep 28: The Delegations.
Ep 29: The Farewell Sermon.
Ep 30: The Passing.
*Subject To Change.
Expected Outcomes Of The Series
- To highlight the life and struggles of Prophet Muhammad
- To move and soften hearts with the ups and downs of his life.
- To build faith with certainty in the Messenger and his Message.
- To attract even the busiest of Muslims to watch the series.
-To engage and entertain the viewers with stunning visuals accompanying the best story of all.
- To help Muslims connect with the final Messenger of Islam.
-· To Inspire the viewers to follow his Sunnah.
- To make this series a go to series for non-Muslims to learn about the final Messenger of Islam.
Why You Should Be Part Of This Project
By supporting this project, you will be helping potentially millions of Muslims to be inspired by the Story Of Prophet Muhammad(pbhu) and to revive and follow his Sunnah,
thereby, qualifying for reward mentioned in the following hadeeth:
Narrated Anas bin Malik, that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
"...Whoever revives my Sunnah then he has loved me. And whoever loved me, he shall be with me in Paradise."
[Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2678]

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