A Dog Jumps on A Girl When She Says Peekaboo!

6 years ago

Dogs are really amazing and having them around is one of the best things ever! They always find a way to make us laugh, especially when they play their favorite games. One of the most exciting indoor games is defiantly a peekaboo, and some dogs really love to play it, but this one here beats them all. Just take a look at this adorable pup in our video! He is so excited to see his lady owner, but as soon as the other girl comes from the back and says "peekaboo" he makes the fastest possible U-turn and runs to her immediately, making this huge jump and literary knocks her off her feet! LOL! This cute pup is so unaware of his own strength that he just jumps right at her arms, light as a feather, but totally strikes her down! But, judging by her reaction, this wasn't the first time. It seems that it's just a game they love to play.

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