Is your faith ready to stand the test of the tribulation?

1 year ago

If someone told you everything that was going to happen in the next two weeks, and it happened exactly as they said, would you want to hear more? Would it increase your faith that what they told you next would also come to pass?

This is the role of prophecy in the Bible. The more you study, and the better you understand the prophecies of the end time, the more currency you will have in your spiritual faith bank account. As you watch the prophecies unfold exactly as foretold, you will know that the promises of God will be sure, giving you the hope and faith you will most surely need when the time of trouble such as has never been arrives at your door.

But if you fall into the false interpretations presented by most of Christianity that the books of Daniel and Revelation are all past, or if you spend all of your time looking at books of prophecy that were meant for ancient Israel when coming out of Babylon and trying to apply them to end times, your chances of surviving the tribulation decrease dramatically.

Yeshua's warnings about deception in the last days needs to be taken seriously. Join Tom as he goes through these concepts using the words of Yeshua to help us understand the importance of knowing the events that are going to take place in the time of the end. Many are now being deceived into believing things that are not true. They are being set up to worship a false Christ prior to the actual Second Coming. This false Christ will mandate a false religion. Will you be able to stand?

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