Adama - Telos II - Chapter 12

1 year ago

In Chapter 12 of Book II of "Telos," Adama discusses the challenges faced by modern children and offers guidance for nurturing their growth and well-being. The chapter emphasizes the need to allow children to be children and highlights the imbalances that arise when they are subjected to adult-like routines and pressures. Many new souls have incarnated on Earth with a purpose of assisting in its transformation, but some get distracted by surface attractions, delaying their spiritual evolution.

Adama encourages parents to prioritize spending quality time with their children, engaging in play and providing love and attention. He emphasizes that parents' actions set examples for children and advocates for disconnecting from devices while interacting with them. Imbalances arise when children are provided everything they want, leading to an unhealthy sense of entitlement and a lack of understanding of limits. The text draws a comparison to the genie in the lamp, suggesting that children are confined by societal demands and medications, preventing them from experiencing their full potential.

Adama advises parents to view their children as wise and evolved souls, capable of teaching valuable lessons. Love, respect, and communication are key in raising children, and parents are encouraged to listen to their children's voices and consider their desires and perspectives. The chapter concludes with a reminder that although children may be physically small, their souls are vast and should be respected as such. Overall, the chapter emphasizes the importance of nurturing children's growth through love, attention, and understanding, allowing them to fulfill their potential and contribute positively to the world.

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