Perverse Incentives 8/5/23: Swamp Creature

8 months ago

Doug and I get the band back together to discuss the news of the day, including (obviously) Trump’s prosecution and its implications for both the ’24 election and the fate of the republic, the new background level myocarditis paper, whether or not 1963 was a coup d'état in American history, our shared admiration for RFK Jr. and the prospects of meaningful third party emergence, why Doug thinks aliens are Just Like Us, and assorted other things.

John Campbell's discussion of the myocarditis paper:

Quick correction: I say a few times Perot won 14% of the popular vote in 1992—actually, it was 19%! And in several states even higher than that: for example in Alaska, where I lived at the time, he pulled 28.4%.

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