Video 1 - 8 Pilot whales killed in Faroe Islands Bloodsport - August 19, 2023

1 year ago

Killing methode: Stabbing dolphins spine. This inhumane, brutal method of killing, stabbing the spine, causes the greatest pain and long suffering. The dolphins do not die immediately, often they still alive with broken spine for minutes or longer. Dolphins in Japan are killed by the same cruel killing method. We saw "killed" dolphins with spinal column stabbed, after 40 minutes of supposed from killing, tied to the boat in front of the slaughterhouse, flapping their tailA mixed pod of Pilot Whales and Atlantic White Sides Dolphins has been spotted in the Faroe Islands. A grind was not been called and the plan was to tag the pod. Yet another botched attempt at tagging in the Faroes, resulting in the animals eventually being killed when they were too disoriented to recover swiftly enough. Still alive, the terror in her eyes as the knife slices through and she waits to die, powerless to get free.

Our government in #Switzerland answered me when i asked them, if in Switzerland pilot whales and other dolphins killed in this way like in the Faroe Islands and Japan, stabbing the spine. The answer: Who kills in Switzerland in this cruel way such a large mammal, which would be sentenced to high fine or/and up to 5 years in prison.

Filmed by team Captain Paul Watson Foundation UK

#grind #OpBloodyFjords #visitfaroeislands #cpwfuk

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