A Message of Information and Warning to the Mankind

11 months ago

With name of the God, the Almighty, the Merciful

O you! The Mankind! And O you! Those high and affluent, and leaders of the nations!
Will not you fear? Surely I to you a Messenger secure, so fear the God and obey me. And not I ask you reward, if my reward except over the God. Not to you from god or lord other than the God, so serve the God my Lord and your Lord, this a Highway Constant. You serve idols and you create delusions, those you serve from other than the God, not they control your sustenance. So seek with the God sustenance, turn to Him, submit to Him, ask Him forgiveness, thank to Him, to Him you will return. And if you falsify, know that not over me except the delivering, the clear. And surely the God over everything witnesses. So fear the God and obey me. Your wealth and your children and the life of the World are trials.

Read the full letter at: https://www.themajesticreading.com

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