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20230813 The 9/11 WarRoom

1 year ago


Rewind on Vivek Ramaswamy's response:
"Last week, a comedian podcaster asked me if 9/11 was an “inside job or exactly as the government tells us?” I answered truthfully: I do not believe everything the government has told us about that day. I wasn’t referring to the baseless theories about controlled demolitions at buildings around the World Trade Center, but the very real possibility supported by recently declassified documents that al-Qaida’s attack was undertaken with support from Saudi intelligence officials."

"We got a secondary device over here."
A video clip shows first responders locating secondary devices (a.k.a. bombs) on 9/11.

The Truth About Bin Laden
Unanswered Questions: A 9/11 Truth Show with Diana Castillo

William Rodriguez's RICO Lawsuit


September 8, 2023:
Mick Harrison, Litigation Director of the Lawyers' Committee, will be presenting oral arguments in its request for correction and legal pursuit of NIST (the National Institute of Standards and Technology) in Washington, DC. Case #22-5267 https://www.ae911truth.org/nist

September 9, 2023:
Richard Gage will be part of the Free World NYC event hosted by Billy Ray Valentine. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-world-nyc-tickets-667727369537

September 10, 2023:
1 - The Lawyers' Committee will be hosting their own event, streamed live at 2pm ET.
2 - The movie tribute to Graeme MacQueen, who passed away this year, will be premiered at 6pm at the Cinema Village.

September 11, 2023:
Richard and Gail Gage, as well as Gene Laratonda and Sandra Jelmi, will be at Ground Zero to commemorate the events of 9/11 and raise awareness.

Dignify Ground Zero

Release of "Peace, War and 9/11" featuring the late Graeme MacQueen.
World Premiere in Hamilton, CA: Sept. 6
Worldwide Online Release: Sept. 8
NYC Premiere: Sept. 10
Oakland, CA Premiere: Sept. 11

=ACTION ITEMS======================================

1.) Write the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin:

2.) In the spirit of Tucker Carlson asking, "What actually happened with Building 7?", record yourself asking the same question in your own style. Send clips and links to Gene in FB Messenger, Twitter (@911Gene), Facebook (FB.com/genelaratonda), Instagram (@911Gene), email (gene@laratonda.com) or even text if it'll go 724.826.1001.

=9/11 FINANCIAL NEEDS======================================

Truth Action Project launched

Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry: Crimescene To Courtroom documentary

=WHO WE ARE======================================

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi


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