Cockatiel reacts to plush toy version of himself

10 months ago

a.lex loves making friends, but sometimes
:hose friends get too close for comfort!

licensed to so don't worry they
haven't stolen it!)

Why does Alex honk
i/vhen I got Alex as a baby, he would bob his
lead and squeak. I would bob my head and
squeak back at him and say "hello Alex!"
:ventually, he started to mimic me mimicking
aim, and over time it just got more and more
exaggerated until it became the honkyou see

e'eWhat is he saying before the
Technically, he's saying "hello Alex." But it's also I
bit of "hello Dommi" for his son Dominic, and I
bunch of other names of other birds I've
)wned. Because Alex has spent most of his life I
/vith lots of other birds, they would tend to
:each each other to talk rather than listen to me, I
so he's never been very good at speaking

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